water ice en el Diccionario Oxford Paravia de italiano

Traducciones de water ice en el diccionario inglés»italiano

I.ice [ingl. brit. ʌɪs, ingl. am. aɪs] SUST.

I.water [ingl. brit. ˈwɔːtə, ingl. am. ˈwɔdər, ˈwɑdər] SUST.

III.water [ingl. brit. ˈwɔːtə, ingl. am. ˈwɔdər, ˈwɑdər] V. trans.

IV.water [ingl. brit. ˈwɔːtə, ingl. am. ˈwɔdər, ˈwɑdər] V. intr.

V.water [ingl. brit. ˈwɔːtə, ingl. am. ˈwɔdər, ˈwɑdər]

water ice en el diccionario PONS

Traducciones de water ice en el diccionario inglés»italiano

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

Water ice is usually found on a cliff or other outcropping beneath water flows.
The sand is likely composed of hydrocarbon particles, possibly with some water ice mixed in.
Titan is primarily composed of water ice and rocky material.
It was capable of detecting water ice at a level of less than 0.01%.
Radar imaging suggests that fan material is most likely composed of round grains of water ice or solid organic compounds about two centimetres in diameter.
Non-terrestrial oxygen would be valuable as a source of water ice only if an adequate source of hydrogen can be found.
The caps at both poles consist primarily of water ice.
An additional factor in determining the structure of water ice is deposition rate.
In 2005, radar data revealed the presence of large quantities of water ice at the poles and at mid-latitudes.
During the brief summer months, fresh water ice melt pours into the bay.

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