treacly en el Diccionario Oxford Paravia de italiano

treacly en el diccionario PONS

Traducciones de treacly en el diccionario inglés»italiano

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

It is a sweet, treacly substance used as a dietary supplement.
As a writer, its simplistic cadence and treacly verse made me want to roll my eyes.
I found its thick, almost treacly intensity too much, despite a mid-level alcohol content.
If it seems treacly at first glance, look deeper.
As this drawn-out documentary shows, it is the treacly bureaucracy, the multiple forms and reports, the disconnected agencies, the overworked staff, that leave children unprotected.
It has a warm, family, nostalgic feeling without being treacly or didactic.
While some may find the film a touch too treacly, there's no denying its astonishing technical showmanship.
Dickens was only bowing to popular opinion when he tried to force a treacly, conventional finale on his original version of the novel.
But we will start from the back of the queue, and trade negotiations are labyrinthine and treacly slow.
We eat that with butter and my mum's home-made marmalade, which is really treacly and sticky and wonderful.

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