Tasman en el Diccionario Oxford Paravia de italiano

Traducciones de Tasman en el diccionario inglés»italiano (Ir a italiano»inglés)

Traducciones de Tasman en el diccionario italiano»inglés (Ir a inglés»italiano)

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Tasman Sea

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

The harbour entrance is a channel to the Tasman Sea.
The eastern border is bounded by the Tasman Sea.
Both of these rivers flow westwards to the Tasman Sea.
The lake is technically a fiord which has been cut off from the Tasman Sea by sediment.
Its name originates from the Tasman Sea which lies between the two countries.
It was formerly a coastal lagoon, but the buildup of coastal dunes made it an inland lake roughly 500 m from the Tasman Sea coastline.
Some 314 fishes of 174 genera and 75 families have been recorded from the site, many more than at other Tasman Sea islands.
The division closely follows the west coast of the Tasman Sea, on average extending only 5or 10 inland.
The lagoon is located on the coast of the Tasman Sea and has a narrow sea opening at the western end that lets in saltwater.
It is connected with the Tasman Sea through a tidal channel.

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