inglés » alemán

Traducciones de fingermarks en el diccionario inglés » alemán

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ˈfin·ger·mark SUST.

Ejemplos de uso en el diccionario PONS (revisados por la redacción)

jammy fingermarks

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

Flatties, bream, whiting, mangrove jack, barra and fingermark have all been captured in the last couple of days.
Bream, flathead, mangrove jack and fingermark were all landed this week in the coasts estuaries systems.
What we want to do is improve methods for identifying the various components and also to look at other substances in the fingermark.
This polymerises - for reasons that are not fully understood - when it comes into contact with the fingermark, becoming visible.
These second antibodies contain a red fluorescent dye that can be used to develop a high-quality image of the fingermark.
Also in the estuaries at the moment is some nice mangrove jack and fingermark being caught, and with hot temperatures the fish are feeding well.

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