inglés » árabe

in turn ADV.

direction to which Moslems turn in prayer (toward the Ka`bah)

revolve or turn over in one's mind V.

turn away the face in disdain V.

Ejemplos de uso para turning in

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

These were relatively short and wide metal skis to be quick turning in powder snow, as well as to be easily loaded outside the helicopters.
This young boy would later become an efficient singer turning in a number of melodious hits.
In 2002, the soap opera reached its peak with over seven million viewers turning in for the 2500th episode.
Satellite imagery indicated broad cyclonic turning in the lower levels of the atmosphere, and a trough was located near the surface.
I sat for three hours with a bottle of wine and a writing pad, the dark corners of politics turning in my mind, the wounds still weeping.
Vaulting horses had been chosen for their quiet temperament and spent their work time turning in circles, with voice orders.
Each made the most of their stage time, turning in admirable performances.

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