inglés » árabe

praise <a praise; praises> SUST.

praise V.

praise COMUN.
praise COMUN.
praise COMUN.
praise COMUN.
praise COMUN.
praise COMUN.
praise COMUN.
praise COMUN.
praise COMUN.
praise COMUN.
praise COMUN.


give praise PRENSA

praise God

praise highly V.

praise be to allah

shower with extravagant praise V.

praise or extol constantly or fervently V.

Sufi ritual consisting of the repetition of words in praise of God

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

The revised project earned praise in newspaper editorials after construction started.
Easy to do when you set up a self-reinforcing loop of obsequious flattery within your enterprise and cherry-pick external praise from the media.
The words center on the relationship of music and marital love, ending in praise of the bridegroom as a supporter of music.
He heaped praise on the music, calling it artful in its simplicity and, if one is in the right mood, vividly evocative.
Lee states that some Japanese producers even praise fansubber's efforts at promoting their work overseas.
When music and musicianship are this worshipful, virtuoso, and varied, it's easy to get caught up, kick back, and join the praise.
It exceeded any description or praise; it was incomprehensible and ineffable; it was beyond all that we may imagine including perfection.
Astonishing for me to hear all this praise when our at home critic does nothing but criticise!
He balanced his penchant for universal critical thought with liberal doses of flattery and praise to the appropriate individuals in aristocratic society.
The song is a ballad of praise of and expression of love for the lass.

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