inglés » árabe

have pleasure V.

pleasure trip

pleasure trip

poetic pleasure LING.

take pleasure V.

take pleasure (in)
take pleasure (in)
take pleasure (in)
take pleasure (in)

get pleasure from V.

give pleasure to V.

indulge in pleasure V. (s)

indulgence in pleasure (s)

indulging in pleasure (s)

take pleasure in V.

take pleasure or delight in V.

Ejemplos de uso para pleasure

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

In their view a meal should not only be nourishing, but it should give pleasure too.
Some will pour it on the saucer and slurp it with abandon pleasure.
In very simple terms, a hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure (pleasure minus pain).
Many of the upper middle class regarded amateur theatre as at best a harmless pleasure with no particular moral or aesthetic merit.
The varied pace assures that after a rush of events, she allows a few quiet pages about long-married life, the serene pleasure of going to sleep companionably in another's embrace.
This behavior enforces clinging and denial which promotes the persistence of the pleasure principle in an attempt to avoid the pain of separation or subsequent depression.
An excessive influx of excitement, canceled the pleasure principle at once, forcing the psychic apparatus to perform a more urgent task: to link the excitations to allow its subsequent discharge.
A promenade was built along the seafront in 1903 and a pleasure pier opened in 1905.
Her husband contracted a venereal disease from the pleasure quarters, and she divorced him.
He is the support of all beings and is beyond sensual pleasure.

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