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for him to hear

so that he could hear it

Ejemplos de uso para hear

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

The hypnotist was keen to discover if anybody else was able to hear.
Then, he asked me to move his sickbed closer to the window, where he would be able to hear what they were telling him.
I believe people can feel and hear when music is dishonest and motivated by the wrong reasons.
A special approbation is required to hear nuns or women of religious communities, and this extends with modifications to all communities of recognized sisterhoods.
To hear the ex players going on is laughable, you would think they never used gamesmanship.
A county go-between thought it would benefit the educators to hear from people who encounter the effects of their decisions, particularly on discipline.
It intertwines the female singer's lamentation of the end of love and the lies she has to hear, while the male actor simply speaks.
And so that's a different legal issue, and the court's going to hear that case and decide it next year.
When you hear a riff similar to your own, your first feeling is rip-off.
Unable to hear the lessons, she'd had to copy out her classmates' notes and do extra reading to make up for the barriers she faced.

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