inglés » árabe

believe in V.

I believe

I believe
I believe

make believe V.

believe it or not

try to believe V.

make someone think or believe V.

believe that there is only one God V.

Ejemplos de uso para believe

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

I believe people can feel and hear when music is dishonest and motivated by the wrong reasons.
I believe that art is the most successful attempt to instill in mankind the need to have a religious feeling.
I believe that we are maybe a year or 18 months away from a definite recovery in the consumer sector.
In the old world, people could have a naive belief, but today belief or unbelief is reflective, and includes a knowledge that other people do or do not believe.
I believe, in spite of all breezes over my innate slovenliness, it would have broken our hearts to leave off working together.
And people are credulous, and they are inclined to believe this sort of stuff.
Users believe that a solution of sea cucumbers can heal cuts, skin eruptions, and ulcers, and claim that it has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
Opponents emphasise the negative impact the tax could have on the finance sector and believe it may force trading offshore.
You may think magic is make-believe, but this little bean has scientists saying they've found the magic weight loss cure for every body type.
Actors who do not believe the superstition will sometimes abstain out of politeness to those that do.

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