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do arrange V.

do arrange
do arrange
do arrange

arrange in sections V.

arrange for a rendezvous with V.

Ejemplos de uso para arrange

arrange in a series or sequence

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

The corallites from which the polyps protrude are smaller than 1cm 1 in diameter and arranged in shallow meandering valleys with low ridges in between.
An extensive list of film, dance, and theatre events, arranged by day.
Black and white photographs, many but not all of which show children, arranged by season.
In 1908, they revised the scale, dropping, modifying, and adding tests and also arranging them according to age levels from three to thirteen.
His imagination extended to an orchestra of various sized drums, arranged to be played by one person.
The lots were approximately 40ft m by convert100 and were arranged around an irregular grid of streets.
The prince was immediately captivated by her, and arranged for them to meet several times over the next few weeks.
Specially arranged biannual tours are supported by scores of visitors curious about the odd-looking structures.
The regiment prepared to obey the order, but arranged the attack so that no single squadron would be wiped out.
Instead, the lessons were to be arranged from time to time by the instructor and his student.

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