Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

In most cases, skijoring is done in a more relaxed setting, not on an extreme sport obstacle race course.
Music agnosia is most commonly acquired; in most cases it is a result of bilateral infarction of the right temporal lobes.
This can be a tiresome and time-consuming process, as in most cases the desired measures are legally valid only when entered into the registry.
In most cases, however, the "sugo" is a little salty (from the capers, olives, and anchovies) and quite fragrant (from the garlic).
In most cases this should be possible, since if the administration order has been rightly made the business should generally be sufficiently viable to hold down current outgoings.
In most cases, men target women in isolated streets, grab their necklaces and speed off in a bike.
The roof is shingled the next day, and in most cases, the home is ready for interior finishing over the next three to four months.
In most cases, the final drawings are drawn with ink, on either plastic or tracing paper.
In most cases, dividends from split preferred shares do qualify for the dividend tax credit.
In most cases the ants collect and transport the honeydew secretions from the hemipterans back to the nest for consumption.

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