inglés » árabe

dared ADJ.

dare <a dare; dares> SUST.

dare <a dare; dares> SUST.

dare-devil SUST.

dare or be bold enough to undertake or engage in V.

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

Yet foreigners who dared set foot within the city or the surrounding region were forced to choose between adopting the local faith or suffering decapitation.
The town is surrounded by forests which, according to some studies, now teem with wildlife because so few humans have dared enter them.
Those who dared to oppose it were exiled to the wild borderland.
Here was a senior financial executive with two graduate degrees tremulous at the prospect of unspecified retribution if he dared proceed.
Such was her shock at the jeering, she never dared set foot in the theatre again.
He was later asked how he dared to go out in public without bodyguards.
However, he was also said to be frequently listening to false accusations, and staff members who dared to speak against his actions were often dismissed.
No one dared to write back to either of them, in fear of alerting his master before the rescue could be carried out.
Eager to know how far the ascetic dared to lie to him, he put another question.
In any event, only the toughest or the most foolhardy individuals dared challenge him to a fair fight.

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