inglés » árabe

anonymous REL.

Anonymous access SUST. INFORM.

Anonymous authentication SUST. INFORM.

anonymous binding SUST. INFORM.

anonymous company

anonymous letter ECON.

anonymous logon SUST. INFORM.

anonymous method SUST. INFORM.

anonymous picture ECON.

anonymous replica SUST. INFORM.

anonymous subscription SUST. INFORM.

anonymous type SUST. INFORM.

anonymous type

anonymous user SUST. INFORM.

anonymous writer ECON.

Narcotics Anonymous (a 12-step group)

anonymous user access SUST. INFORM.

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

But in 2006, after an anonymous tipoff, the brooch on show was discovered to be a fake, with the original missing again.
There are also promising opportunities anonymous social media networks offer regarding authentic human connection and semi-anonymous communication.
And, are media users who choose to be anonymous treated differently from media users who are merely assigned anonymous avatars?
A prominent feature of this case the defendants' right to anonymous speech.
The purchase was made through an anonymous one-million dollar grant and a non-cash agreement that included scholarships for students and teachers.
Your anonymous call rejection service is now off.
In other stories, ownership is attributed to a strong labourer, usually anonymous hard-capable.
An anonymous writer probably filled out the missing verses.
Resources indicated by blank nodes are called anonymous resources.
Organisational ombudsmen often receive more complaints than alternative procedures such as anonymous hot-lines.

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