inglés » ruso

Traducciones de „inquire“ en el diccionario inglés » ruso (Ir a ruso » inglés)

inquire [ɪnˈkwaɪəɐ, ingl. am. -ˈkwaɪr] V. trans., intr. ingl. brit.

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

For instance, mystery shoppers at a restaurant may pretend they are lactose-intolerant, or a clothing store mystery shopper could inquire about gift wrapping services.
I do not pause to inquire whether the exempting condition is void for unreasonableness.
He first calls upon his old boy network of foreign intelligence and police contacts to inquire if they have any records of a top-class political assassin.
He inquired of a neighborhood girl the reason, and she said that the family had moved elsewhere that day.
Children's amazing creative will to inquire and pursue an idea (whisper it) without a learning objective appears, quite genuinely, to have been crushed and forgotten.
With this goal in mind, he would inquire for more information from his guests.
The men would trot alongside the coach and inquire as to the state of the mail, and thus receive letters without requiring it to stop.
Due to the wide variation in volume, it is prudent to inquire before ordering one.
When the satyr again inquired the reason, he said that he did it to cool the food.
Then he asks her how she died and inquires about his family at home.

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