USPS en el Diccionario Oxford Paravia de italiano

USPS en el diccionario PONS

Traducciones de USPS en el diccionario inglés»italiano

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

It was another 15 years (1989) before another such stamp was issued by the USPS.
The addresses in the database are specifically designed to match the USPS requirements.
The design and other specifications of this ensign are described in the USPS bylaws and also in the operations manual.
The USPS explored an electronic messaging initiative in 1977 and later disbanded it.
In 2001, the USPS first approved designs for locking curbside mailboxes to stem a rise in mail and identity theft.
Those businesses most easily identified, other than the USPS, include hay and grass farming, raising of livestock, meat processing, and antique and craft sales.
This was the first instance of the USPS issuing new stamps on a specific day and in a specific city.
However, credit was not extended by the USPS for some time after the issuance of the stamp.
A USPS location is located on the first floor of the old post office.
The latest USPS approved design includes taller parcel compartments to better accommodate package sizes of today.

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