inglés » ruso

Traducciones de „scuffle“ en el diccionario inglés » ruso

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I . scuffle [ˈskʌfl] SUST.

II . scuffle [ˈskʌfl] V. intr.

Ejemplos monolingües (no verificados por la redacción de PONS)

After occupying the building, the school dean called the police, and a public scuffle ensued that garnered the movement media and intellectual attention.
There was no protest outside the school and there was no serious violence, although there were a few minor scuffles.
There is a scuffle involving players of both sides in the centre of the pitch for several minutes at the end of the match.
The theatre lobby was a venue for scuffles between fans jokingly called the lemeshistki and the kozlovityanki.
Police were also criticized for their management of the conflict, only securing the original scuffle area and failing to handle congregating groups in other places.
However, an hour later, they again met and a scuffle ensued.
A scuffle breaks out between the two miners when the latter's faith is insulted.
Witnesses said scuffles erupted when protesters hurled water bottles at police and tried to break through police line.
The arrest was not straightforward, and a scuffle ensued.
A scuffle also broke out between activists and state security agents at the funeral itself.

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